When I'm cramming through exams or trudging through the school year, all I can think about are the things I want to do when summer finally arrives. I dream of redecorating my apartment, cleaning out my closet, playing music, diving back into my hobbies, making videos, reading books, working to make money, hanging out with friends, cooking, and...

Starting your own houseplant collection can be a little scary. How do I take care of it? How much water does it need? Why do they all keep dying? We're all living some pretty busy lives, and we can often forget to take care of things in the process. But taking care of a plant can be easier than it...

Hello everyone! I hope you're doing well. Today I want to talk about how I got back into journaling and my experiences over the past decade. If you've been a follower of this channel for a long time, you probably realize that I haven't been posting much about journals and journaling in the last couple of years.

My name is Sarah. I graduated from the University of Toronto about a month ago with an Honors Bachelor of Arts. I wanted to make this video to share my university experience at U of T because it was a long four years, and I feel like I should get something out of it.

So you made it. It feels like just a moment ago you were a child without a care in the world, and now you're here. You're a big kid now, about to walk across that stage and into adulthood. The world is your oyster, and the only question left to answer is: What do you do now?

So you made it. It feels like just a moment ago you were a child without a care in the world, and now you're here. You're a big kid now, about to walk across that stage and into adulthood. The world is your oyster, and the only question left to answer is: What do you do now?

Hey everyone, welcome back! It's been a super busy month for me, and today I thought I'd take you along as I tackle some assignments and start reviewing for finals. I have a lot on my plate: one assignment due next week, an essay, and four finals, all for year-long courses. It's a lot to review, but I'm here to...

So yeah, the move was pretty smooth. My parents and I just hitched a trailer to the back of our car and did the six-hour drive. I didn't have much to bring anyway, so we just had a mattress and an air mattress to sleep on, surrounded by all my stuff on the ground. My family stayed for the week, with my brother coming in later on the weekend. ...

It's hard to believe that winter has already come and gone again. But coming out of winter means warmer weather, more sunlight, and new beginnings. I've been feeling really hopeful lately, like I'm waking up again and doing more things that make me happy. Today, I'll be getting back out there, trying to take care of myself, get some work...

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