A Glimpse Into My Productivty and Study Routine
Hey everyone, welcome back! It's been a super busy month for me, and today I thought I'd take you along as I tackle some assignments and start reviewing for finals. I have a lot on my plate: one assignment due next week, an essay, and four finals, all for year-long courses. It's a lot to review, but I'm here to share some study tips and show you my study routine. If you're new here, hi! My name is Sarah, and I'm in my first year studying law at McGill University. I did my undergrad at U of T, and you can find a whole video about that on my channel. You'd think after so many exam seasons I'd know how to prepare better, but here we are.
Getting Ready to Study
This morning, I went to the gym to burn off some restless energy. Exercise helps me focus by letting out stress and anxiety. I just walked on the treadmill for half an hour, sweated it out, took a shower, and now I feel ready to sit down and concentrate. Here's my study routine to help set the mood:
Dress Comfortably: I'm wearing an old hoodie, joggers, and socks because I get cold when I study. Comfortable clothing is a must.
Clear Your Workspace: My desk is clean, with just my phone, some drinks, and my camera. A tidy space helps me focus.
Have Drinks Nearby: I like to have three types of drinks: a hydrating drink, a fun drink, and an energizing drink. Today, I have an avocado smoothie (fun drink), a decaf coffee (another fun drink), and water (hydrating drink). Snacks are optional, but I keep them away from my desk to avoid distractions.
Set Devices to Do Not Disturb: I put my phone on do not disturb and only open Spotify for background music.
Brain Dump: List everything you need to do, even non-study-related tasks like grocery shopping, to clear your mind. This helps me focus on the task at hand without worrying about other things.
Today's Goals
For today, my goals are to finish a pass/fail assignment and start working on an essay. The essay is 3000 words, and I chose to write about Shrek, which means I need to watch the movie. I'll also start preparing for my finals. Here's a quick overview of my finals schedule:
First Exam: Take-home, 4 hours, open book. Need to prepare good notes.
Second Exam: Take-home, 2 weeks, 3000 words. Will start reviewing general content.
Third Exam: 36-hour window, 4400 words. Need to strategize for efficient writing.
Fourth Exam: In-person, closed book, 3.5 hours. Will study differently for this one.
Study Break Ideas
It's important to take breaks. Here are some study break ideas I use:
Stretch Routine: A quick way to refresh your body.
People Watch: Look out the window to rest your eyes.
Reply to Messages: Use break time to catch up on texts and emails.
Eat a Snack: Make sure to fuel your body.
Getting to Work
I set a timer for 25 minutes and dive into my work. Here's a look at my setup: my laptop on a stand, a big monitor, an external keyboard, and a mouse. Now, let's get to studying!
Break Time
During breaks, I like to stretch, watch people outside, or chat with friends. Today, I replied to some emails and got back to work. Remember to check in with yourself and ensure you're not getting too stressed out.
Study Session 2
After my break, I set a 35-minute timer and continued working. I finally finished my pass/fail assignment and moved on to planning my Shrek essay. Knowing that my first year term work is done feels amazing!
Long Break and a Snack
For a longer break, I decided to fry some Korean pancakes and watch Shrek. It's important to treat yourself with something nice during study breaks. I tried the sweet red bean pancake, which was delicious.
Finishing Up
I watched Shrek and took notes, which took longer than expected. It's now 8 PM, and I've accomplished my goals for the day. If you're going through finals too, remember: we got this. It will all be ogre soon.
Thank you for studying with me today! Let me know if you have any study playlists, routines, or tips. Remember to do the nice thing you planned for yourself after studying. I went outside earlier, which was refreshing. I hope this motivates you to finish your tasks too. See you in the next video, bye!